Saturday, November 24, 2007

Narissa falls to death, obviously did not consult market dragon on real world physics.

What's with dragons dieing sheer stupidly these days? I mean, sure, she never existed in reality before to have experience with real physics, but the brute force weight of her and the bending metal should have been a hint. Obviously she did not cross worlds to second life to consult the Market Dragon, her biggest mistake. I mean, just look at my profile. I perch on NY city skyscrapers with ease and majesty and do not fall to my doom.

That said, my consultations had nothing to do with Narissa's death and it should not reflect any liability or future long term peformance of Dragon Global Diversified. This dragon obeys the laws of physics; real, virtual, or fantastic. This should not become a stereotype for the species.

Oh and my beloved Koudoawaia Menatep and I loved the movie, if you haven't really had time yet and you're a couple who love sickeningly romantic films that you lick (or kiss to) all night, I suggest you go to see Disney's "Enchanted".

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