Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back, as a private investor.

Well folks. I didn't know how far that LL would take the new banking policy, but the virtual stock exchanges are still here and I still enjoy the concept of virtual commerce in virtual realms. That said, I'm back to doing business with the exchanges once again, but I'm only risking my own cash this time and on a much more limited basis. I'm also taking a far more off-hands approach. Even though day-trading in such volatility is extremely lucrative, I'm actually holding for the long term and using a dividend reinvestment method. I still intend on operating on all exchanges. Just waiting to see if WSE will ever open it's doors again. If it doesn't, it could still be the one loose card that brings all the houses down in the virtual exchanges. I hope that doesn't happen. I like this micro-market experimentation and think if it properly polices itself it could even be profitable and beneficial in the future of the SL meta-verse, but I'm not yet sold that it's fully at that point yet.

That said, if you're putting money in here, I hope it's what you can afford to risk and that you risk wisely. The old important tips apply to game-world relations.

1. Know who you play with as well as you can.
2. Keep up on what's happening with the in-world businesses you court.
3. Remember it's an intensive hobby. You can't go months without checking in on it. The market's highly volatile and a month is like a year in Second Life.


Guardian Market said...

Welcome back! Hopefully I can catch you online sometime.

Samantha Goldflake said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

welcome back mael...we need to catch up sometime. e-mail or IM me inworld

Kadena Whitfield (because i don't have a blogger login)

Unknown said...

A delayed welcome back, but...WELCOME BACK!